African American History

February is a time to remember and appreciate those we love and the past we treasure.  This month, the Downtown Focus is proud to celebrate Downtown Lynchburg's rich African American History.  From the Batteaumen who navigated the James River in the 1700s to today's revitalization of  Fifth Street, Downtown Lynchburg has long been a part of the diversity that makes America a great nation.  This rich pageant reminds us that Downtown Lynchburg was once the setting for not only America's great changes, but our own small and important memories of those we love. As a designated program of Virginia Main Street, Lynch's Landing is, "a preservation based economic and community development program." Downtown Lynchburg's history makes it a great place to live, work, shop and be entertained.   

Main Street Businessman, Armistead Pride

This advertisement appeared in the newspaper on August 3, 1854, and proclaimed the triumph of Main Street Lynchburg businessman, Armistead Pride's hair tonic.  A free black man, Mr. Pride opened a barbershop in Downtown Lynchburg in either 1813 or 1814.  He died in 1858 a well respected and well to do man.  Learn more at or visit the Old City Cemetery.