Grassroots Local Market Informational Meeting~January 14

Downtown Grocery! Your Input is Needed.

The newly formed Lynchburg Food Cooperative needs your input on a full service, downtown grocery. Cooperatives are community owned and governed organizations meaning you, your friends, and neighbors can determine how the new store will look and what it will offer. Learn why the co-op was formed, it's advantages and goals, the nature of community ownership, and why your participation is critical to bringing the store to life. A full service grocery is the most asked for service by downtown residents, and your attendance is crucial to this grassroots, community based initiative.

Be a part of this dynamic initiative - let's make downtown all it can be by adding a full service grocery this year!

Winter Lights on the Bluffwalk in Downtown


Join us for WINTERLIGHTS 2016

Winter Lights 2016 is a FREE outdoor exhibit of light-based art along the Bluffwalk developed by the JRCAH in partnership with AEP and the City of Lynchburg, to be launched on the First Friday in February 2016.
Winterlights will illuminate the Bluffwalk, through light based installations designed by artists. This event is providing an opportunity for Lynchburg’s citizens to engage with unique art and experience downtown in a new and unexpected ...way. It will delight all ages and invite to take a stroll along the Bluffwalk.

With the use of recycled holiday lighting, artists, individuals and groups are invited to create vibrant illumination art , which displayed along the Bluffwalk during the month of February, attracting audiences to Downtown during a rather dormant period.
“Inspired by similar projects (Inlight Richmond, Zoolights at the National Zoo, the Baltimore Zoo) the installation will attract and delight a wide demographic of all ages.” According to David Neumeyer, Vice-President of the James River Council for the Arts & Humanities.

Open call for artists, individuals and groups:
Deadline for design submissions is December 15th
Prizes totaling $1000 will be awarded for best designs in two categories. First, second and third prize will be awarded from a panel of judges and by popular voting.
Detailed requirements and entry form can be obtained at:

Opening night (First Friday in February, weather permitting) will include a ceremony with music, entertainment and food trucks offering warm beverages..
Mid-month, at a secondary event, cash prizes will be awarded to the best three illuminated designs, chosen by a panel of judges and separately by popular voting through social media and newspaper.

The installations will illuminate from the hour of dusk, 4 PM, until 10 PM each night for four weeks running from February’s First Friday, Feb 5, through the March First Friday, March 5.

Be part of the event:
Donate your old but functional Holiday lights! Collection containers will be available at the Downtown Lynchburg Farmers Market and Boonsboro Shopping Center and given to artists
Participate as an artist, create a light based art installation!
Be a sponsor, recognized along the before and during the event.

For detailed information contact or

See More



Stop by and give the newest business in downtown a very warm welcome on Saturday, November 14, from 10:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m. Favored Flavors is the first of its kind in Lynchburg!

 A locally owned Gourmet Olive Oil and Balsamic Vinegar Tasting Shop that revolves around tasting the products in order to determine what flavors work best for you and your cooking style. They also have unique items for gifting and personal use. Below is a list of just a few of the items they will carry in the shop. 

Flavor infused Extra Virgin Olive Oils, Balsamic Vinegars, Salts, and Sugars,  100% Olive Oil Skin Care Products,  Himalayan Salt Plates, Lamps, and Spa Products,  Olive Wood Products, 

Assorted cruets and dipping dishes.

 Come in and taste life to the fullest!  Free parking behind the shop for this event.


Artful Bicycle Racks Installation Ceremony

Four “Artful Bike Racks” have recently been installed in locations around Downtown Lynchburg, an area designated as the James River Arts & Cultural District. An installation and ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate the project will take place on Thursday, September 24, 2015 at 1:30 p.m. at the 10th Street Entrance to City Hall.
The creation of creative, colorful bike racks was led by the James River Council for the Arts and Humanities (JRCAH) in order to contribute to the attractiveness of the downtown area and provide functional bicycle parking to serve residents living, working and visiting downtown businesses. The bike racks provide aesthetic points of interest, support increased bicycle for short trips and liberate parking spaces for visitors from longer distances to access downtown businesses. The project complements the full range of beautification projects that have taken place in Downtown Lynchburg ad the City’s investment in trails and bike lanes.

More than 30 designs were submitted to the public Artful Bike Rack competition in Fall of 2014. By spring of 2015, the four winning designs selected had been created by Philip Gabathuler, Davy Hazelgrove, Matt Perkins and John Wilson.

One of the artful bike racks was fabricated at no cost by AREVA (Mt Athos division), while the remaining three were commissioned to local artist Paul Clements, who also produced the public LOVE statue downtown.

Bike racks are located at the Bank of the James plaza, the Community Market, City Hall and on the corner of 5th Street and Madison.

“The arts, including public art play a vital role in stimulating society and developing vital communities”, said Kim Soerensen, president of the James River Council. “They lift our quality of life, have a crucial impact on our economy, foster creativity, heighten our cultural intelligence and deepen our collective sense of humanity. We hope the Artful Bike Racks will stimulate our community in being active and riding bikes while delighting all with unique public art”.

“Public art gives a City personality. An arts-oriented, bike-friendly City creates a vibrant community with positive effects on business development and social and physical connectivity,” said Marjette Upshur, director of economic development for the City of Lynchburg. “The James River Arts & Culture District program is proud to support projects like this that advance both the arts and economic development.”

Development of the Artful Bike Rack project was made possible through numerous partnerships:

• Lynchburg’s Office of Economic Development facilitated a grant from the James River Arts & Cultural District Program.
• Lynchburg departments of Community Development and Public Works contributed staff time towards location and installation services
• AREVA and its staff, David Roberts and Scott Evans, provided material and fabrication services for one of the racks
• RIDE Solutions contributed funds for the fabrication of racks and provided staff project assistance
• The James River council for the Arts & Humanities contributed funds for the fabrication of racks and provided project leadership.

For more details about the event, visit the James River Council for the Arts & Humanities Facebook page.

About the James River Council for the Arts & Humanities
The mission of the JRCAH is to promote and facilitates public art projects and cultural experiences through the medium of art. Our goal is to enrich the lives of the citizens of our community, always free to the public.
Current and previous projects include:
• Permanent visual installations such as the LOVE sculpture and the Artful Bike Racks
• Temporary visual and multimedia installations such as Keys for the Hill City
• Upcoming photography installation in partnership with Miriam’s House “Through the eyes of the Homeless” to raise awareness and funds for the organization.

We are an all-volunteer organization, working on an entrepreneurial model to enrich the cultural lives of citizens; Our public projects are not limited to any creative medium or genre, and may include fundraising, design competitions, project management, promoting, documentation/permit guidance or other roles requested by project creators and/or artists


Lynch's Landing presents the Seventh Annual Get! Downtown Street Festival on September 11th!

On Friday, September 11th from 6-9PM, Main Street will be closed from intersections of 13th Street to 7th Street, welcoming over 10,000 festival goers to the 2015 Get! Downtown Street Festival. As the largest street festival in Lynchburg, Get!Downtown will once again welcome six blocks of downtown businesses, and vendors, artists, crafters, live music and performance on three stages, dancers and street performers, and taste local cuisine all along Main Street.


This year boasts musical performances on each of the three stages with a line up of the MG Experience and DJ Ed at the Community Market Stage; Exodus and Alma Hesson at the 7th Street stage, and WhoaBear, Mystic Alpacas, Blackout, LCCP and Ben Browne on the Sun Trust Stage. Activites on the blocks include skate demos, chalk art, and an arcade trailer, plus a kids zone at the Community Market with magic performances, face-painters, jugglers, and balloon artists. Visit your favorite food trucks at the BBT lot Food Truck Round up, toss your name in for grand giveaways at various vendors, and get to know downtown Lynchburg.


New this year, a shuttle service will be available from the James River Conference Center parking lot to the festival.


Be mindful of your furry four legged best friends! For the safety of them and other festival goers, please leave them in the comfort of their own home. Pets are no longer allowed at the festival.


This event is hosted by Lynch's Landing and made possible by our generous sponsors;

Genworth, the City of Lynchburg, Greater Lynchburg Transit Company, Discover Lynchburg and media partners; Lynchburg Radio Group, Live Stream Lynchburg and ABC-13, plus college sponsors: Central Virginia Community College, Miller-Motte Technical College, Liberty University, Lynchburg College, Sweet Briar College and Randolph College.


Main Street will close to traffic from 7th Street to 13th Street beginning at 5:30PM, creating a fun, entertaining, free event open to the general public.


For more information concerning this year's event, contact Cameo Hoyle at the information above. Also please visit  for information on participating vendors, performers and entertainers. You can also like us on Facebook at .

Community Market Launches "Lynchburg is for Locavores" campaign


On Saturday, June 13, the Lynchburg Community Market will launch "Lynchburg is for Locavores," a grant-funded campaign aimed at encouraging people in the Hill City to eat more locally grown foods.

“We have some amazing farmers in our community, and they produce some of the most nutritious, exciting and tasty food in our region,” Market Manager Jennifer Kennedy said. “Some people might be surprised at the variety of foods available at the Lynchburg Community Market, everything from local honey and golden beets to fresh goat cheese and grass-fed beef — all from within a 100-mile radius of Lynchburg.”

Lynchburg is for Locavores will kick off at 9 a.m. Saturday, June 13, with a cooking demonstration by Jeanell Smith, of Greens & Grains Personal Chef Service. Smith will cook up three dishes featuring the market’s “item of the week,” Swiss chard. The recipes will be available to marketgoers.

Upcoming demonstrations will feature local chef Marisa Jones, cooking with radishes on June 20, and West Manor’s Stephanie Fees, cooking with berries on June 27. Demonstrations will be held each Saturday morning through September. In addition, the campaign will include photography competitions, seasonal recipes, a recipe contest, and T-shirts, bumper stickers and other “Lynchburg is for Locavores” merchandise.

Visit for Community Market information!

$1 million gift to Amazement Square for Education Center

Amazement Square Announces $1 Million gift in support of the Education Center expansion project

A commitment to re-investing in downtown Lynchburg and enhancing the educational opportunities for a better community.   

Amazement Square Education Center Vision
Amazement Square Education Center Vision

LYNCHBURG, VA – June 5, 2015 – Amazement Square today announced a major gift from an anonymous supporter in the amount of $1 million to the Museum’s recently launched capital campaign for a new Education Center opening in 2016. With a total of $4.1 Million raised, there is still $2.7 Million left to complete a $6.8 Million Campaign that includes an endowment, to bring this much needed regional resource to the families of central Virginia.

Read the full press release HERE