We know you’ve heard it before. Shop Small. Support Local. But such a broad concept can be a lot to wrap your mind around. So rather than leaving you out there to figure out exactly what it means, we’ve gathered a list of practical things you can do to support your friendly local business owners right now.
“I didn’t know that you could get THAT in Downtown Lynchburg!” We hear it all of the time. So, don’t be shy…it’s time to tell all of your friends about that great new outfit you got or the weekend brunch special that was SO DELICIOUS. You aren’t showing off, you are spreading the word. But, if food photos and selfies aren’t your thing, remember that you can always hit that little paper-airplane button and share that businesses’ instagram post to your stories.
Leave those dirty dishes in the sink and escape. That’s right. We said it. Staring at the same four walls each day (especially if you are teleworking) can be a bummer. As luck would have it, there are some fantastic hotels in Downtown Lynchburg who have upped their game on safety standards and are ready to help you take that load off! So, grab your toothbrush and prepare for your next escape - even if it’s just down the road.
Are you the type of person who raids the gift card rack for birthdays, baby showers, Chanukah, Christmas, and everything in between? You can admit it. There’s no judgement here. BUT, you might hurt our feelings if you pass by this opportunity to stock up on Downtown Lynchburg Gift Cards. They can be used at over 30 participating businesses in Downtown Lynchburg and you can buy them online. Easy-peasy.
Yep. We miss socializing. Desperately. Seeing people we know, some we don’t, and bumping into someone you haven’t seen in ages. Events are starting to come back to downtown (distanced indoor and outdoor), and even if you aren’t comfortable being face to face, there are plenty of online events still being hosted by entertainment and attraction venues. Check out our new and improved events calendar to see them all in one place. Search by venue, category, you name it!
This one's a no-brainer. Takeout is the easy solution for dinner. And now, with even more online ordering and delivery options, it’s easier than ever to get what you want. But, don’t forget that wait staff need love, too - with social distancing, they are only able to provide their exceptional service to a fraction of the tables they used to. So, even if you are picking up your meal curbside, go ahead a leave them a great tip. After all, you didn’t even have to get out of your car.
Visit our DINE Directory to choose your next meal!
Is it time to take off that Quarantine-15? The YMCA is ready to welcome you back. They even have a capacity checker so that you can plan the best possible time for your visit!
Perhaps you’ve completed ALL OF THE PUZZLES and need a new skill. The Academy Center of the Arts is offering classes (in-person or online) with everything from drawing to smartphone photography. Want to work at your own pace? Become a member of the SPARKS Lab at Riverviews or Vector Space. Maybe you just can’t think of any more kids crafts. Check out a kit from Amazement Square’s STEAM Lending Program or visit in-person to join in on weekly Art Expeditions or The Hive Open Makerspace.
Come to think about it - you might be booked solid for the next three months. You’re welcome.
There are so many wonderful non-profits with a diverse set of missions that call Downtown Lynchburg their home and we couldn’t be more proud to have them in our community. Many survive on the generosity of others to continue their service. However, in today’s COVID world, traditional fundraising methods like galas and live auctions are just not going to cut it. So, here’s your call to action: take some time to make a donation, no matter how large or small.
And, if you absolutely can’t decide, you can always find one of the brand new caring meters to empty your spare change. Funds collected in these bright green beauties will be distributed to various organizations via the Greater Lynchburg Community Foundation.
It’s worth the effort to buy produce grown in Virginia. It just tastes better. See for yourself by making a trip to the Lynchburg Community Market a part of your Saturday morning routine. While you are there, you can pick up some hard-to-find filipino groceries at Philippine Delight, grab a bag of freshly roasted coffee at Grains of Sense, and maybe even splurge on a dozen doughnuts from Father’s Cafe & Bakery. It’s called multitasking.
Downtown Lynchburg wasn’t named the James River Arts & Culture District on a whim. Not only are there plenty of retail shops that carry one-of-a-kind products crafted here in Lynchburg, but you can connect to masterpieces at galleries like Riverviews Artspace, the Academy Center of the Arts, and even exhibitions at The Virginian. Make an evening of it by attending First Fridays every month and take add something to your collection.
@abstractartistsir at The Virginian
Have you ever filtered a list by ratings? Yeah, it can really help narrow down a decision. It costs you nothing other than your time to write a positive review of a Downtown business and, trust us, these owners will be SO grateful. Not only will you be helping attract visitors to their business, but you will be giving them a few uplifting words to make them smile. That in itself is priceless (cheesy, but true).
And there you have it. Go ahead, be that Local Champion. You have our permission.